I often fall in to a black hole of TED talks, you know, like everyone else does. It usually starts with a vlog channel, and then I click on Kid Cudi's TED talk, which leads me to Mark Ronson's TED talk, and then I just keep watching and re-watching TED talks until I realize it is 4 a.m. and I have to go to bed because even though I am a senior, I still have to go to school, and, oh, look at that... I am on a tangent. No surprise there. ANYWAY, (almost) every month, I choose a book that will motivate me, and any one else who reads this blog. This month, I watched Maisie Williams' brilliant TED talk, and she mentioned Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo as part of her preparation.
I know it is pretty basic, but it has always been a dream of mine to give a TED talk, and well, I thought reading this book could get me one step closer to that. I do not want to give too much away, but honestly, I have not yet finished this book, but even in the first 50 pages, speakers like Mathieu Richard have made me evaluate the way I choose to talk about certain things or how I go about presenting myself and my ideas to others. The book was also a tremendous help when I was writing my graduation speech. This book is sort of the opposite of this month's theme; there is no nonsense. Happy reading!