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Welcome To August

August is hot!! And it just got hotter!

Welcome to August, the month where I try new things.

What does that mean exactly? Well, for the duration of August, I will be writing articles about things that I honestly have no business writing about. Well, I know a bit about each topic, enough to give you a well-informed opinion or just to present you with a situation that is occurring. As part of my mission with RENEF, I want to ensure that the content I put out is entertaining, but also educational in some way. That being said, I always back out of posting certain articles because I feel a bit nervous when posting. Now, I have no choice but to post them! Every week there will be a new topic and I will…write to that topic. For example, this week I will comment on fashion. Do I have any business doing so? No, not at all. Am I doing it anyway? Yes, absolutely. I hope you, the reader, understands that I, the writer, shudders every time she clicks “publish” on any article. Being so frequent in these posts will be a sort of self-help mechanism for me and (hopefully) a learning experience for you. By the end of this month you will have seen me comment on fashion, politics, social media, diversity, you know, the whole lot. I hope you stick around for the ride! yeehaw readers!!

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